Reflections on the Birth of a New Year

Today is January 1st, the first day of a new year. Across America, people will be joining gyms, making resolutions and generally deciding to be a better person in 2014. I’m not against that, but I think moving into the new year without looking back at the past can sometimes be a mistake.

I have to be honest and say that 2013 will go down in my own personal recollection as a really tough year. Not the worst I’ve ever had but certainly in the top 5. It was characterized by a major illness and one of the most difficult kind – when doctors have no clue what is going on, so they really can’t help much. In the end, we finally figured it out and I will go into 2014 feeling much better.

It was also a rough year socially. Being sick (and especially having an illness which affects what you can eat) cuts at the bonds with family and friends, and really tells you who has your back when things get hard. Some people surprised me, and not in a good way. Others have turned out to be the kind of true friends I’ll cherish forever.

So, how does 2014 look? To start with, I’m optimistic that it will be better. I’m not making any real resolutions, merely planning to expand my horizons, continue to work on my health and get out more to meet new people. I’m going to start quilting again, and plan to buy the supplies to make a new quilting frame this week. I’ve joined the local quilt guild and may take some classes at the local quilt shop. I’ve got several quilt tops I hope to finish and several fleeces at the fiber mill that I’ll be spinning. I have a couple of new sweater patterns I want to try. All in all, I’m guardedly hopeful that 2014 will be a good year.

As for you, friends and readers, I hope for you, whether 2013 was good or bad, that 2014 is an outstanding year, filled with all the things that make you happy. I wish you health and hope and the love of family and friends.

In fact, I guess I wish that for me as well.

Happy New Year.

2 thoughts on “Reflections on the Birth of a New Year

  1. hockeyirene says:

    Good musings and wishes for you and us this new year, Mardee! Thank you!

    Best of luck with all of it!

    X O Irene

    Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 16:39:40 +0000 To:

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